Business and Office Etiquette

                                    Business and Office Etiquette

In corporate world, every company and organizations usually follow certain rules that every employee required to follow to set up a healthy environment inside and out of the workplace.
As professionals, etiquette is essential to use because this way, it shows how professional are the employee and the company is, it also helps to have a better communication for the customers/clients such as being on the customer service department.

Business and Office Etiquette are relates to each other, because it applies on the same environment. The only different is that Business Etiquette are rules required to follow while the office etiquette is an unwritten code of ethics to see in the business environment.

The Importance of International Business Etiquette and ...
"Business etiquette is a set of manners that is accepted or required in a profession. Often upheld by custom, it is enforced by the members of an organization. Those who violate business etiquette are considered offensive. The penalty for such behavior frequently lies in the disapproval of other organization members."

"Proper office etiquette refers to an unwritten code employees should follow in order to be successful in the workplace. It's a set of norms widely accepted as appropriate behavior."

To help you define the type of manners or behavior that are expected in your workplace, consider the following:

How do you treat clients or customers?
How do you treat your coworkers and supervisor?
How do you conduct yourself in your cubicle or office?
How do you conduct yourself during meetings?
What kind of email messages do you send?
Do you follow a dress code?
How do you conduct yourself in the break room?
How do you conduct yourself during business-sponsored social events?
How do you conduct yourself during training events?
How do you conduct yourself on the telephone?

Awesome Audience Etiquette for Our Dance Recital
So basically, Business and Office Etiquette is a collection of do's and don'ts for the members of organizations required to follow, failing to do so, you can receive a penalty from your superiors, and it can affect the company and your background in the organization.

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